Vegans might live longer

Vegans might live longer

If you’re a vegan, you already know that you have a healthier lifestyle when compared to the average American’s diet. Cutting out all those fatty foods made from animal by-products does wonders for your health, and your body thanks you. However, you may wonder about the life expectancy of vegans vs. meat eaters. Do vegans live longer? According to a recent study, the answer is ” yes”.

Published in The Journal of Nutrition, a study looked at vegans, vegetarians, and meat eaters. Analyzing the resulting data, they discovered that vegans and vegetarians live longer than others due to the amount of nutrients their bodies were able to utilize. Although there were similarities between vegetarians and vegans, the latter group had the highest levels of antioxidants and other compounds that can fight debilitating illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. As a result, vegans had the best heart health and were most likely to outlive people with more mainstream diets.

Worth the switch

This recent study is not the only one that illustrates the many health benefits of a plant-based diet. Although the study in The Journal of Nutrition had a limited sample size, their results hold true to what other researchers have discovered. Vegans live longer because they are highly aware of what is going into their body.

By cutting out all animal products, most unhealthy foods containing fats, preservatives, and chemicals are eliminated from daily consumption. It is only common sense that directly removing these harmful foods would yield long-lasting benefits such as better overall health and a longer lifespan.

If you are contemplating switching to veganism for health concerns, then don’t wait. Not only will you live longer, but you will experience the immediate benefits of being vegan. From healthier skin to having more energy, the pros of a vegan lifestyle are numerous. All it takes is the motivation and the dedication to make it through the transition process to become a vegan.

Make the change the right way

As you ease into veganism, balancing your body is key. By going cold turkey on meat products or eliminating food groups too quickly, you increase the risk of your body going into shock which can lead to severe cravings and chronic fatigue.

As with any new lifestyle change, it’s better to take it one step at a time. The same goes for veganism. As you eliminate a food from your diet, make sure you have a vegan counterpart to introduce. Also, as shown in the study above, having the right nutrients are vital for your well-being. As you begin exploring the availability of plant-based foods, don’t deprive your body of essential vitamins and minerals. Many vegans use health supplements to maintain those important nutrients day-to-day.

Green Leaf Sciences understands the importance of balance to vegans and have developed a special line of supplements to compliment any plant-based diet. Made of high-quality ingredients, Green Leaf Sciences’ vegan supplements are proven to help you get the maximum nutrition out of your diet without resorting to animal by-products. With the right nutritional support, don’t just read about a vegan’s lifespan. Live it!