Glucosamine plus Chondroitin for healthy joints and muscles

Glucosamine plus Chondroitin for healthy joints and muscles

Remember how flexible you were as a kid and how easy it was to exert yourself? You could climb trees and run around all day, pushing your body to its limits and feel no worse for the wear when you got into bed that night. Unfortunately, this changes as we age. With each passing decade, we steadily begin to lose both strength and flexibility in our muscles and joints. By middle age, simple things like standing up from a chair, bending over and weight bearing activities like carrying groceries can all become more difficult or even painful.

As the body ages, there is a decrease in the number and size of muscle fibers which results in loss of strength. There is also lessening of the water content in tendons, the tissue that connects muscles to bones. At the same time, our bones are slowly losing mineral content, making them less dense and more likely to break. And, cartilage, the tissue that provides cushioning between bones, also loses water content. With weakening of muscles and joints and less lubrication in and around them, people often begin to experience pain and stiffness with movement.

Studies have shown that taking a supplement containing both glucosamine and chondroitin can combat this issue. Glucosamine supplies added lubrication to joints and cartilage which helps maintain joint cushioning. And, chondroitin contains building blocks for all connective tissues, including tendons and ligaments.

MSM and more for tendons and ligaments

At Green Leaf Sciences, we’ve supercharged our supplement by adding several other key ingredients that further support strong muscles and bones. 360 Glucosamine and Chondroitin is made of up five ingredients essential for maintaining connective tissue, bone and muscles health. In addition to glucosamine and chondroitin, 360 contains MSM, which helps with hormone balance and proper enzyme activity, hyaluronic acid for healthy skin and nails, and collagen for skin elasticity, blood vessel strength and strong hair and nails.

Movement means health; health means movement

We’ve all heard that exercise is imperative to staying healthy, but stiff, achy joints and muscles can make being active painful. By taking a supplement that strengthens your bones and muscles, you can get moving again. And, the increased flexibility that comes with adding lubrication to your connective tissues makes even everyday activities easier to do.