Tips to calm Coronavirus fears among your patients

Tips to calm Coronavirus fears among your patients

As new information about the Coronavirus arises and references to the disease saturate the media, anxiety about contracting the virus continues to thrive. The number of cases and deaths being reported changes nearly every day, and different sources may present contradictory information. This has caused fears about the disease to escalate. While a certain amount of concern is warranted, increased anxiety levels can actually weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to the virus.[1]

Although most people are safe from the Coronavirus, people with preexisting health conditions and older individuals are at greater risk of contracting it. If you’ve had recent contact with someone who has traveled to a high risk area or is exhibiting symptoms, you may also have cause for concern.

Many people are turning to medical professionals for help calming Coronavirus fears. In this high stress time, it is important that healthcare providers do everything to quell fears among their patients. 

Be proactive with communication

For those wondering what to do if you have symptoms of Coronavirus, the CDC recommends you call your doctor first before making an appointment. This will allow your healthcare provider to prepare their facilities to keep other patients from getting infected. [2]

For professionals in the medical field, make sure to promote good overall health to all patients. Sleeping and eating well will help boost the immune system and strengthen your defenses against the virus.[3]

Furthermore, since credible information about Coronavirus may be difficult to access for some, healthcare providers should reach out to patients to ensure they know the appropriate measures to take to preserve their health. 

Changes that will come from this

We have already begun to see the changes that have come from the spread of Coronavirus. In the United States alone, several schools have closed or transitioned to online classes, and quarantines have been implemented internationally.

It is crucial that medical professionals provide proactive healthcare and take steps to educate patients about preventative measures. Healthcare should not be directed solely at those already experiencing symptoms; it should also attempt to reassure patients and help them stay healthy. 

Although they are not a substitute for medical treatment, natural supplements can contribute to overall health and wellness which helps strengthen the immune system against pathogens. Healthcare providers can purchase wholesale supplements for resale to recommend to patients with concerns about their health. 

While a strong immune system is not a guaranteed defense against Coronavirus, many patients desire the peace of mind that comes from maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In situations like these, panic is not useful and can even be harmful. Therefore, it is the responsibility of medical professionals to make an increased effort to reduce patient fears. 

[1] Pandemic Panic? These 5 Tips Can Help You Regain Your Calm, NPR
[2] ibid, NPR
[3] Steps to Help Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 if You Are Sick, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention