The health benefits of vitamin D

The health benefits of vitamin D

The human body needs vitamin D to properly absorb calcium, ensuring strong bones and teeth. Some other benefits of vitamin D are that it helps to regulate the immune and neuromuscular systems, reduces inflammation, and supports weight loss. Though lack of this vitamin is not thought to directly cause disease, people who have low vitamin D levels do have a higher likelihood of developing certain health problems. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to breast cancer, colon cancer, heart disease, depression and other maladies.

Vitamin D is made by the human body when skin is exposed to sunlight. The recommendation is thirty minutes of sun exposure to the face, legs or back, without sunscreen, at least twice a week. People who live in colder, rainier climates tend to have difficulty getting enough sun throughout the year to maintain a proper vitamin D level. In addition, leaving the skin unprotected from harmful UV rays can lead to skin cancer.

Natural sources of vitamin D

Given that getting all the vitamin D you need through sun exposure on unprotected skin may not be possible or even safe, what are some other ways to get the recommended daily allowance of 600 IU’s? Eating a healthy diet helps.Some of the foods that are naturally high in D are cod liver oil, oily fish such as salmon or tuna in water, portobello mushrooms, egg yolk and cheese.

Vitamin D is also added to many food products like fortified cereal, milk and yogurt. Making sure you include some of the above mentioned foods in your daily diet is an important way to get enough vitamin D. But, even the healthiest among us can still sometimes find ourselves with a deficiency.

Using a supplement may be your best bet

Green Leaf Sciences offers a high quality, vitamin D supplement that will help you to achieve the recommended daily allowance of this important nutrient. Our product is produced using all natural, organic plant materials. We developed this powerful formula, which also contains vitamin B12, to support optimum health.

Click on the product descriptions to read more about the benefit of GLS supplements. Maintain strong bones and good health by adding a vegan vitamin D and B12 supplement to your daily routine.