Health benefits of vegan vitamin D

Health benefits of vegan vitamin D

Have you had your vitamin D level tested lately? Most adults and many children are actually deficient in vitamin D without realizing it. Vitamin D is essential for building strong bones, maintaining a healthy immune system, regulating mood and many more important bodily functions. If you’ve been noticing a decline in any of these areas, talk to your doctor about having your vitamin D level tested.

Because so many people are discovering that they are low in the D vitamin, there are now supplements available to help. Taken daily, a good D3 supplement should have you feeling better and more clear-minded. The question is, what is a good supplement? At Green Leaf Sciences, we offer a vegan vitamin D3 supplement that is made from an organic plant source called Lichen. Even if you’re not a vegan or vegetarian, you may be interested to know that nearly all D3 supplements are extracted from sheep’s wool, an animal product. Plant-based products are considered more effective, because they are more easily digested and absorbed.

Problems caused by vitamin D deficiency

Why is the population lacking in vitamin D? Unlike other vitamins, your own body converts sunshine into D. Regular exposure to full, midday sun at least three times a week should produce an appropriate amount, but most people do not get enough exposure on a year-long basis to reach sufficient levels. Even fortified foods, such as milk or cereal do not contain enough to reach therapeutic levels of D3.

Recent research has linked low vitamin D levels to serious health issues like cardiovascular disease. Taking a supplement, particularly a plant-based one that is more easily absorbed, like those offered by GLS, can help prevent everything from achiness to asthma. There is even evidence that low vitamin D levels contributes to a “foggy brain”, which results in cognitive impairment.

Advantages of vegan D3

When it comes to taking a supplement, you’ll want to make sure that it contains the RDA for someone in your age group, and that it is high quality and free from contaminants. At GLS, we certify all of our products are organic and plant-based, and our D supplements contain only pure vitamin D, and no unnecessary chemicals and fillers. Because they are derived from a rich plant source, they are more easily absorbed into usable form.