Increase your calcium absorption rate

Increase your calcium absorption rate

Your bones may seem like rock hard structures, but they’re actually made of collagen and non-collagen proteins and fortified by calcium. Old bone is constantly being broken down by your body in a natural process called resorption, after which new bone is deposited. If you’re not getting enough calcium in your diet, your body will extract it from existing bone mass which weakens your bones and, if left untreated, can result in osteoporosis. If you’re concerned about protecting your bone mass, start by making an effort to get more calcium in your diet.

Additionally , when you eat foods containing calcium, certain nutrients are necessary for proper absorption. The most important of these is vitamin D. Unfortunately, a good percentage of the population is lacking in vitamin D3 which can adversely affect the building and maintaining of bone mass.

More than just a diet change

Fixing the problem is a two part process. Changing your eating habits to include more foods that contain calcium is step one. And, getting more vitamin D, which assists in increasing calcium absorption rates, is the second part. So how do you go about getting more vitamin D?

While there are some foods that contain small amounts of vitamin D, it is impossible to get what your body needs from your diet alone. The most natural way to get vitamin D is to expose your bare skin to midday sun for a minimum of 20 minutes every single day. You can also get vitamin D in supplements.

Green Leaf Sciences offers a plant based, organic Vitamin D3 1000 IU spray that provides the full recommended daily requirement of this vital nutrient.

D3 in spray form

Because the great majority of us do not get anywhere near the amount of sun exposure it would take to get enough vitamin D, we’re at risk for losing bone mass over the years. You can increase calcium absorption from the foods you eat, however, by using the GLS Vitashine Spray product. Getting enough calcium in your bones will help protect them from losing mass as you age.

Read more about this easy-to-swallow, high quality supplement on our website.